PFH-30 Portable Fume Hood

For the removal of hazardous vapor and particulates

30 inch Work Area

PFH30 portable fume hood, 30 inches long

This is our next size portable fume hood covering 30 in Length x 18 in Depth x 18 in High. The same blower is used with all models. The work area is greater than the smaller unit, but the flow rate is reduced. These portable fume hoods can vent directly into laboratories and have no need to be piped into an exhaust system. HEPA filters, potassium permangenate filters, and carbon filters are available for removal of organic vapors, iodine, formaldehyde and particulates. Filters can be stacked and their gaskets are seamless to ensure all contaminants pass through the filter media. **not for radioiodine.

 Blower  23-3/8 in L x 12 in D x 12 in H
 Work Area 30 in L x 18 in D x 18 in H
Flow Rates in FPM
Filter Type Hepa-6 in Carbon Potassium Permangente HEPA-3 in with Carbon K-Permangente with Carbon Vented (No Filter)
8 in Opening 138 100 100 100 100 366